Having a Coke with You is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, Irun, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne or being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona partly because in your orange...
[Unpleasant slurping sound] KARLI: I went to that party on Friday >>PETER: Oh nice! >>KARLI: Yeah >>PETER: Was it fun? >>KARLI: Oh, so fun!...
Cecee: Hi Aziatix. Nicky: Hi! Nice to Meet you. Cecee: It's nice to meet you and actually see you again for the umpteenth time. Cecee: I've been to every single concert, I was at your...
■8 ■8 ■8[ ■8AP■8PL■8AU■8SE■8 ]■8■8■8■8 ■8 ■8>>■8 C■8onan: HEY, EVERYBODY, >■,@'R,@E ,@BA,@CK,@.■■■■■■■■■>■ ■■ ■■LA■■DI■■ES■■ A■■ND GENTLEMEN,■ ■■ ■■BY■■ T■■HE■■...
bjbj Welcome to Main Street Shell Service in Santa Maria, your trusted provider for fast, efficient smog check services. d like to take this opportunity to tell you about some changes that will be...
Need a smog check done in Rancho Cordova? Do you want to pass the smog test the first time? Allow me share a few tips with you: Before you have a smog check done and if it's close to your next...
Peat bog fires create smog in Moscow during worst record heat. The smoke from burning underground peat bogs near Moscow has pervaded the city, intensifying smog and a creating a sharply distinctive...
I think that the weather makes a big difference. I think the seasons do. Is that right? I really don't know the answer to that. And it gets really better for about 12 hours after a big rain...