Copd chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

<Dr. David Schwartz> Right now it is very difficult for us to be able to identify who is going to develop lung disease, who is going to develop very severe lung disease, and who is going...
Here i'm not talking to health care providers, I am talking directly to you- the patient. If you are concerned about COPD, have a loved one with COPD or if you smoke cigarettes, this video is...
Bewegen als COPD patiënt is voor mij belangrijk om meer uithoudingsvermogen te creëren, door het sporten. Ik heb een periode gehad dat je echt misschien vijftig, zeventig meter kon lopen en dat je...
Dit is Sylvia, en zij is vaak moe en kortademig. daarom is Sylvia naar haar huisarts gegaan maar door aanhoudende kortademigheid heeft haar huisarts haar doorverwezen naar het expertisecentrum Astma...
human lungs are formed by structures called lobes .  three lobes in the right lung and two in the left lung . lobes are separated by fissures , two in the right lung and the left lung . the air...
Inhaled medications are an important part of asthma treatment. The most common way to take inhaled medications is the metered dose inhaler or MDI but some children who are 12 years or older may use a...
Joan Steffen is treated at home for her COPD exacerbation. The Epital has now turned into red-alert mode. Joan woke up this morning feeling really ill with shortness of breath. The Epital went to code...
How are you managing at home? Not very well really. I get very breathless if I do too much. It's because it's hard for the air to get through the airways. There's no cure for...
Nithyanandam ! My name is Anju. I am a student. Before coming for the program, I would tell myself I should do something to improve myself. I always had this vision in mind that I should try something...