Want to watch BBC iPlayer, check Facebook and Skype your friends from the comfort of your living room? Then take a look at the latest Smart TVs on sale at Tesco. A smart TV is a TV which can be...
Tara: Something we've heard a lot about in the past couple of years now with TVs is Internet-ready, or Smart TV. And so in this video we're gonna break down kind of what's new...
This is our poject which is smart home Imagine if this box is a home with certain devices This piezo electric sensor will detect your knock.and if it was right the door will open. if it was wrong the...
  Hey Guys!   Hey!! Glad y’all made it.   Sorry we’re late.   Did you run into traffic?   No, just had to stop by the house to grab a few things.   You stopped by the house.   Yea. Uh-huh.   Alright,...
Are you still using your desktop scanner, fax machine, multifunction copier, computer and wires to scan documents? Are looking for a simple and efficient way to scan, email, air print, fax and copy a...
[music] Meet Michael and Nancy. They spend more time at the office then they would like. But despite working long hours, they make sure they spend plenty of time outdoors with their daughter. Michael...



bjbj iWatchLife SSV Script Have you ever called home repeatedly to check on your elderly parents, kids, or the babysitter when you re out? Stayed home from work to watch your pet? Worried about your...
Why do we give names to all the elements? No matter what we call them, it doesn't change the experiments. Ah, there's so much more behind each label Here's the story of the...
Everyone wants their home to be a safe haven. But the fact, a burglary occurs every 14 seconds. Sometimes the offender gets away with the goods and sometimes not. The difference is the level of...



ALAN HINDES: Smarts Camps is an easy to manage solution for delivering in room entertainment to remote locations. From a company perspective it's a great differentiator for attracting and...

