Person Street Pharmacy: These types of stores, the kind of stores that we're in, that is a neighborhood type store where people come to have a lot of coverage throughout generations of people....
Neighbors: Local people are going to be the people you see at the coffee shop, the grocery store, you know, so my job doesn’t end at 6:00 sometimes. My neighbors know that I work at a bike shop so...
Mom’s Music: We have individuals here that are a family I mean particularly in our business. We have parts of family that work here but we have also employees that have been working here for 20...
A lot of people don't know that barbers were the first surgeons, they first dentists. They did a lot of things. Really a true barbershop was designed, it was actually the cornerstone of the...
Community Like I said it’s your community and the money stays here and comes back to you. It doesn’t go someplace else to a different place and convenience is not something you need to look for. You...
Hey Dirt League can we go to IndieCade? What what what what Summer Sale Summer Sale! I'm gonna get some swag, only got $20 in my wallet I-I-I'm hunting, looking for a 1-up This...
Let me begin this video by saying that I'm a huge coffee snob, I really, really love coffee. And before I came to Korea I was worried, am I gonna find any coffee shops in Korea? Is there a big...
when starting a store you want a name for the so it's gonna catch people's attention but you should probably think a little bit about it we have a guy in india who deflated and so this...