People always say there's this deep, dubby feel to my music, which I guess is true, because I like deep music in general. I'm always looking for something which is not just bassy, but...
Yes, we're back. We have a philosophical conundrum for you Friday night dinner table: How bad does something bad need to be, so that we think it's good? Don't worry,...
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judge the planet let you know how it would be teamwork stagnant the old days likelier it black okay i think there is no how would you have to leave handfuls alkalinity along i'll try defused...
Hey this is Arty and you're tuned into DJ TechTools FL Studio first, I always worked with this crazy sequencer. I really like it, it's really simple and it's really easy to get...
The subject of Jeremih- Let loose feat The game|New music 2013 Jeremih- Let loose is a controversial issue. At first glance Jeremih- Let loose feat The game|New music 2013 Jeremih- Let loose may seem...