Sen ánimo de lucro e activismo

Letra&VSQX: Bakyaan Sé que no volverá teñida de sepia estará esta escena fa...mi... liar... el cielo cambiará... vestido de gris se verá llorará desgarrado... Atrapado, por amor cegado la...
during these david silverman he's president of american atheists he was on the o'reilly factor we talked on monday about this segment were bill o'reilly in order to argue that...
I bow to all the seekers of truth. If we are the real seekers of truth, we have to be honest about it and sincere so that we are sincere to ourselves, and we have justified our own existence in this...
One of the things weíve all met is the accusation that we are strident or arrogant, or vitriolic, or shrill. What do we think about that? Hah! Yeah, well Iím amused by it, because I went out of my...