Thanks To: National Geographic Channel, Youtube Ecological Imbalance , What's Ecological Imbalance? The nature has taken millions of years to balance to ecosystems , But a small change, could...



Economistas frequentemente falam sobre externalidades como um dos motivos do porque o governo deve regular os mercados. Externalidades: Falhas de governo ou falhas de mercado? Externalidades se...



Geleiras derretendo... O mar subindo... Furacões... E TUDO ISSO É CULPA SUA COM MEDO? NÃO FIQUE NÃO É VERDADE Imagine que vivemos na era da razão e o alarmismo do aquecimento está travestido de...
The Codau presents The Class of Clarinha in the water cycle fine Cristal, it's time, the clouds are already filled Yeah! I am so excited to begin the water cycle will be a long ride,...
São Paulo has no beach, man! If you're stressed, you go to the sea... you surf a little, you feel great. But São Paulo is a concrete jungle. Buildings, buildings and more buildings... The...
Good afternoon Ruy. Good afternoon everyone. The AET Videos returns today The AET Videos returns today day January 15, 2013 day January 15, 2013 with a new theme for evaluation of people who see us....
Hello! In the "Como Fazer" you learn today build a fruit bowl using paper that everyone has at home. So... get to work! To build our fruit bowl, we'll using materials you...
Tsunami, earthquake, tornado The chaos was activated, overpopulation By imperialist abuse, nature takes revenge Countdown to destruction Not to mention the air unbreathable The unbearable heat,...
Every human being has the right to a enviromentally sound living standard for himself and future generations. Atmospheric pollution, a serious problem, isn't it? Did you know that in China...
Redação - Dicas para o ENEM Competência V , cena 1 Professor: Rafael Pinna Na competência V, verifica-se como o participante indicará as possíveis variáveis para solucionar a problemática...

