I opened up the door and then I walked into the bar Through the smoky dim lit haze, I saw him from afar Moved a little closer just to get a better view He looked at me and smilied and said "I'm...
What's the place where you see more girls that you'd like to pick up, than any other place? Honey was offended by the pick up line Honey was offended by the pick up line Honey was offended by the pick...
What's the place where you see more girls That you'd like to pick up, than any other place? Honey was offended by the pick up line Honey was offended by the pick up line Honey was offended by the pick...
Am I dead, Angel? Cause this must be heaven! Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living? Do you wanna go campin? Cause I'm pitchin a tent I'm not a photographer.....but I can picture us...