Aprende a cortar... el flequillo Hola, ¿qué tal? Estoy aquí pasa enseñaros a cortar el flequillo Yo me lo voy a cortar a esta altura, pero antes, Lo primero, es coger la sección de pelo que vamos a...



Well, it's a gloomy rainy old day to be here in London, but it could be worse. I could be in Saudi Arabia, where men are men and women are cattle. Can I say that? The Saudi Arabian Human...
Well, it seems that the Archbishop of Canterbury is shocked at the reaction to his verbal suicide bomb. He received quite a lot of abuse. One person even called him a Judas, which I thought was a...
I've had a couple of e-mails from people who want my opinion as to how they should break the news to their fundamentalist Christian parents that they don't believe in God. Well, the...
Hi everyone. You may remember that a couple of weeks ago it was revealed that sharia courts are now operating here in Britain with the full backing of the law, even though they discriminate against...
Well, the Catholic Church continues to wash its dirty laundry in public but they just can't seem to get those semen stains out, can they? Now the Pope is in the spotlight for his own role as...