Hi, I’m Dr. Heather Zimmerman with Boys Town Pediatrics. For my training, I went to medical school at the University of Iowa. That’s actually where I did my pediatric residency and a chief resident...



Hello my name is Catherine Jarvis and I am a student at the Sacred Heart School Of Montreal. Inspired by Palliative Care pioneers from around the world I have decided to complete a project to help...
The project that we've been running here, at Berri, is related to the management of a deteriorating patient. The basic concept behind it is the introduction of a MET team, which is a Medical...
How to Use Suppositories. You are not alone if you are asking, "What am I supposed to do with this thing?" Inserting a suppository isn't pleasant, but it can be fairly...
When a health research study is done with living people, it's called clinical research. No matter what is being researched, these studies will have what is called selection criteria. These are...
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four sisters of Providence from Montreal came here they took risks with their young lives they didn't have a whole lot of education they had willing hands and loving hearts the sisters motto...
In general, being in College before coming here to Trent decreased my anxiety about the workload because I knew what to expect which made me a lot more confident. I had an understanding of how...
Hi, I'm Dr. Erica Martin. I grew up in Indiana and I went to IU School of Medicine. I also did my pediatric residency in Indiana head James Whitcomb Riley Children's Hospital...
My name is Alexis Sawyer and I’ve been with Boys Town Pediatrics since 2009. I did my medical school training here in Omaha, Nebraska at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. I did my residency...

