Senhor, o alaka começou um banimento em massa ontem. Saiu de casa e entrou num café aqui Sentou no banco, abriu o notebook e começou a banir geral. Não se preocupem, ontem eu nem loguei. Senhor, é...



Luke: Biggs, Wedge, let's close it up. Luke: We're going in, we're going in full throttle. That outta keep those fighters off our back. Right with you, boss. Luke, at that...
Partea întunecatã a forþei este o cale spre multe abilitãþi... Unele considerate a fi nenaturale. Se poate învãþa aceastã putere? Nu de la un Jedi. Consiliul vrea sã raportezi toate afacerile...
No justificaré un curso de acciones que nos lleven a la guerra Una interrupción en las comunicaciones solo significa una cosa Invasión Al fin nos revelaremos ante los Jedi Al fin tendremos venganza...
bjbjLULU I don t know what to do with this little man gap! He said that he doesn t know Kaddafi and all knows the lie and the truth! My Fyrer they are good polit.. Shut up idiots!!! They are watching...



sorry it is a bit blury i will show you a pic of my star wars lego your according to the community the issues here planned bunks dot would work early summer and corruption content paramagnetic gallery...
The dark side of the force is a path to many abilities, some considert to be unnatural. -Is it possible to learn this power? -Not from a Jedi Somethings happening, Im not the Jedi that I should be. I...