Hey guys, ready to kick it with today's Brief? Yeah, you are. Let's kill the next three minutes celebrating the return of Princess Leia, a real-life British Batman and the passion...
You probably know that Steven Spielberg and George Lucas are buddies. But you may not know that, because of a bet between the two way back when, Spielberg has made a lot of money off of Star Wars....
You must use the Force You must use the Force (repeat ad nauseam) You must use the Force Time ago, far, far away Long time ago, far, far away Kiss a Wookiee, kick a droid! Fly the Falcon through an...
Partea întunecatã a forþei este o cale spre multe abilitãþi... Unele considerate a fi nenaturale. Se poate învãþa aceastã putere? Nu de la un Jedi. Consiliul vrea sã raportezi toate afacerile...
This film is a parody. I am not affiliated with or endorsed by Disney or Lucasfilm. I wish I was. Lord Mouse, the Fleet has moved into lightspeed, and we're preparing to-- You have failed me...
You need to go there!! [Music] [Imperial March: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING STAR WARS RELATED] Commander Cody, The time has come. Excute Order Sixty-Eight. Surrender sir? Are you sure? No no, I mean, um.......
And now for the second episode in my little, montage Is Capture the flag. You may wonder what capture the flag is, What? I've never seen this game mode before, Especially not in Call of...
SUMMER UPDATE Reporting to you from the rest of our escape pod scene. I'd like to tell you about our Episode 3 progress. We're almost done with the shooting. There is just one dialogue...
I am r2 d2 no I'm r2 d2 shut up non of your r2 d2 lightsaber battle i am a ninja I am an axeman (die sound) I WILL KILL ALL OF YOUUU stick your hand up were i can see um (die sound) I can not...
The republic has the earth under their control. But the Sith will not allow this, as this important trading post was previously under their rule. Now the Sith lord wants revenge on the Republic. He...