Nicole polizzi

I always wanted my own fragrance because I could never find the right scent for me. At home, I would always mix bottles of my favorite fragrances to create a unique and different scent.
When you're tanner, you feel hotter and sexier. You should try it.
I got bullied in high school. A lot of girls were so mean to me because their boyfriends wanted to hang out with me and my girls, so they pretty much bullied me to the point where I was crying at...
I try and have family time, all the time, so you know, I get to see them a lot. And I'm always with my friends, my boyfriend, it helps me keep grounded and kind of sane.
The guys you see me bring home, we're only cuddling and making out like any other person would do, but we're on camera and the whole world's seeing it, and it does look like I'm having sex.
So I would always try and be the lightest I could. In high school, I really wouldn't eat. I would only have lunch and I would only have salads. And then it got so crazy as to just eating like a...
I went to school, I went to college. I know how to read. Even though I lack common sense sometimes, I am book smart.
The only person I've had sex with on Jersey Shore is my boyfriend.
It's important to be true to yourself and your vision.