Nicole polizzi

I don't go tanning anymore because Obama put a 10 percent tax on tanning. McCain would never put a 10 percent tax on tanning. Because he's pale and would probably want to be tan.
We all stick up for ourselves and I think that's why we stand out, because we really don't care what other people think.
You have to remember that reality shows capture your worst moments.
I've calmed down already. I don't hook up anymore.
It's always been a dream to have my own sunglass line and I'm so excited to be able to finally offer it to my fans!
I'll always be this crazy, fun person, but when it's time to get married, I'm going to be an amazing wife.
I think you see more of like, the party side of me, which I call Snooki, it's kind of my alter ego.
I have an education, I went to college, you know?
What I'd like is to turn out like Jessica Simpson, with her whole brand.
I think I just realized that having a problem - an eating disorder - it's not healthy and you can actually die from that. I realized it's not worth it and you just need to be healthy.