Eles chamam a Grã-Bretanha de vastidão desconcertante. Um lugar tão bonito quanto inóspito. As ilhas e montanhas da Escócia, parecem existir à beira da fantasia. Mas nem sempre foi assim. Por...



NHS local is a digital health service for the West Midlands It will provide local health news, resources and tools for staff and citizens in the region High quality videos featuring the real...



I'm speaking from the NHS Confed conference in Manchester, late June 2012, where we've had three days of truly exciting interaction with a wide variety of people from across the whole...
We've got all those facilities and experienced specialists and it's free which really we're very fortunate. I'd like to see clinical staff have more input more say in...
A medida que la BBC no emitirá la apelación, voy a hacer lo mismo Cualquier persona que quiera contribuir Voy a hacer eso y lo siento, no vas a detenerme! No me vas a detener ... Disculpa pero, ¡No!...



So the first priority of this Budget is to build on the decisions that we took in the emergency Budget last June, and in the Spending Review. And those decisions are the essential underpinnings for...
Hi guys how's it going? My name is Jeff well done for landing on this video. if you're currently looking for NHS jobs than what I'm gonna do in the next 4 to 5 minutes is...
on Monday night dustin hoffman stars of the next call now in attempting to do street time the love in the world that's the test tube hopeful on Monday pat well you could to marguerite of the...
In 1976, I was sent to see the Shah in Iran. And at that time the Americans were trying to persuade Iran to adopt nuclear power. The plan was that Iran would build 20 nuclear power stations, using the...
I think it's important to try and understand there are two different levels of patient care records that are being developed. There are local care records that are being developed to join up...

