Monterey Bay Aquarium

In the deep-sea, gelatinous organisms can take many strange forms. Recently there has been a wave of interest in images of an animal with a bag-like body, covered by a meshed pattern, and without...
Scientists from the California Academy of Sciences, the University of Victoria, the Khoyatan Marine Laboratory, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute recently described an extraordinary new...
In 2011 scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute were investigating oil seeps and frozen methane gas, or methane hydrates, in the deep sea off the coast of British Columbia. While...
This small deep-sea anglerfish, Chaunacops coloratus, was first observed at Davidson Seamount in 2002 by scientists from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, the Monterey Bay National Marine...
Pottery Barn Kids Monterey Bay Aquarium Tidepool Tips with Jim Covel Hi I'm Jim Covel and we are here at Monterey Bay Aquarium talking to Pottery Barn Kids about your family's trip to...
Hi I'm Julie Packard and I'm here with Pottery Barn Kids talking about the Monterey Bay Aquarium Well I got involved with the creation of Monterey Bay Aquarium with my big sister whose...
Hello, I'm Sarah and this is the weekly dive. Wholefoods market recently announced that they would remove almost all unsustainably caught seafood from their stores this month. They are one of...
[MUSIC] Jellyfish might be the weirdest animals in the ocean. They're like 95 percent water, which is really more ocean than animal. They're pulsating bodies don't hold a...