Dance Instructor: Look put more effort, play put whatever song you want. Dance Student: No way, just like this. Instructor: Ok ok, you just have to move some more... just like this... like this......



-See, it all started a few days ago Brendalu, Anacleto and I were watching a documentary about the tetemoacan tribes When all of the sudden the M-call was heard [M-call] Ahh, the M-call! [Mr. Eme hums...



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Hello I am henao michael hi im dayana and theme of this channel today is celebrities or better good singer which is your favorite singer Dayana Jenifer lopez ah mine is ellie goulding Mm and that...



Hello! Today we are in the Naucalli park at the north of Estado de México. Behind us they are practicing parkour... Would you like to know what is this extreme sport about? It is a few known that´s...


Hello Everyone, Welcome to the screening of "CAM" This short-film is pure fiction, but still, it is the result of a simple analysis, We are watching you! Strangers and Governments...
Where supply and demand intersect Starts most of our differences While some add ten or more to their income Others don't reach even a single penny If politicians are not moved by issue...



>> Eric Hutchinson: It is my pleasure now to introduce our next speaker. Steve Schapiro is the chief of the Section of Primate Behavior at the Keeling Center. He conducts research aimed...
De Sierpe a Bahia Drake/ From Sierpe to Bahia by TravelPod member javierferrin From Sierpe to Bahia Drake by TravelPod member javierferrin Llegando a la locura/ Arriving to madness by TravelPod member...