It's time for Food Adventure Program For Awesome People! The Shabu Shabu edition. [music] I'm finally off my crutches! Rocky theme music! Den nu de duuuu de dun dun de dun de duunn...
MUSIC This week’s Music Monday is the undead edition With 4Mintue’s “Volume Up.” MUSIC Oh my God, we are SO, SO happy with this song. “OHHH MYY GOOODDDD…” “Oh my God, I can’t believe Simon and...
[music] This week’s Music Monday is the Rapunzel edition with SHINee’s “Sherlock” I’m a Dorito! I’m so Curious YEAHHH! [something something something] Ok, let’s start by praising this song to high...
[music] Carcinophobia from Ohio asks How does the Korean standard of beauty differ from that of North America and are there any things that North American do that South Koreans would find strange, and...
[music] This week's Music Monday is the Alien Debut edition with EXO-K's 'Mama' [music] WOOOOAH! After 10,000 teasers and prologues and singles that aren't...