So, it's finally been paid? Straight from the Palladium box office. Mr. Rock And Roll laid aside his guitar after the concert and asked his fans to join him in a prayer for your safe return. - Then...
# They say I might as well face the truth # That I am just too long in the tooth # So I'm an OAP and weak-kneed # But I have not yet quite gone to seed # I may be over the hill now that I have retired...
You know I don't want anybody else? That's why I think we should get married. This weekend, just think about who you really want. - My brother, Andy. Meet Zoe. - I'm the black sheep of the family....



Where do I stand? George is York, Anne is my enemy and Mother is with her. Commit to nobody until you know there is a clear winner, and then remind them of your undying loyalty until it serves you no...