Juegos olímpicos de invierno de sochi 2014

Courage doesn’t mean you’ll always win. Courage doesn’t mean you’ll always be the best. Courage, means you never give up on your dreams. Are we recording? We are? I’m ready. OK cool, let’s remember...
Ah, ¿hemos conseguido una boda? No, no, no, ¡nada de boda! ¡Bobsleigh! Ah, quiere que filmemos su boda. No, nada de boda, ¡tenemos que ir a Jamaica! ¡Jamaica! ¡Nos vamos a Jamaica! Nos vamos a...
Beyond being simply a sport, snowboarding is more of a lifestyle. And this sport, or this lifestyle... was what taught me how to focus all my attentions into doing one thing, and one thing only. I...