Female Speaker: I will now be recording. Welcome to our webinar this afternoon. There are two speakers and two content items for your information. This first is on Implications of Newborn Screening...
[ Music ] >> Al Mulley: Who can fix healthcare? Some people think that doctors can fix healthcare. Trust me, I'm a doctor; we can't. Some people think that their elected...
at interested retail today it doesn't sizzle about it is me system and yet uh... um... rejecting a major program kya that concert click check oh old cricket how look-alike pol pot luck toolbox...



the kids did what some engineers and engineering students can't do I was a judge in the presentation competition and I would like to say that the committee all agreed that the best team who...
This fall, physicists in Italy published results suggesting that neutrinos travel faster than light - significantly faster. If true, this is really big news in physics, and of course most scientists...
I have written an article on the Green House effect. It was a year-end article. They wanted me to pick out the most important scientific event of 1988. And I really thought that the most important...
Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Julio Verne, Mary Shelley, nombres inmortales de autores visionarios. Ellos fueron capaces de ver más allá de la ciencia de su presente y lo que es más importante,...



Hola me llamo Andrés, tengo 16 años y el libro que os quiero recomendar es "Introducción a la ciencia" de Isaac Asimov El libro fue escrito en 1984 y consta de 2 partes, la primera...



[David Attenborough]: Somos una especie flexible e innovadora y tenemos la capacidad de adaptar y modificar nuestro comportamiento. Ahora, seguramente tendremos que hacerlo si es que queremos lidiar...

