This is a quick video for those, mainly Christians and Muslims who keep telling me for reasons that I can never quite fathom that I have no right to insult their religion. I don't know who...
Hi! This is Josiah Owen for Expert Village and today we will be talking about making Neopolitan Vegetarian Lasagna. And now we are going to talk about cutting fresh basil for Lasagna. First thing you...



("Inspector Gadget" theme song) Have you figured it out yet? Do you know what is the single-most important tool you can possibly have when you're working with Witchcraft?...
PARISA TABRIZ: Thank you. Thank you. OK, 30 minutes to lunch. We can do this together. So my talk is called "got ssl?" As you guys know, more people are connected to the web today...
SAM: Without further ado, I'd like to introduce the first panel. Our moderator is James Pearce, who does Dev Rel for Facebook. He tells me that he now spends about half of his time doing stuff...
PAUL IRISH: Hi. So we're back here at GDL Presents, where we interview unique and talented developers who are developing really compelling stuff. Today we have with us Mark Danks, who you...
Achieving sustainable living is an urgent and complex challenge, requiring new ways of thinking and collaborating. CONSENSUS, an Irish research project, is exploring how we could radically transform...
MALE SPEAKER: Startup times for App Engine Java are pretty high for my application, around 30 seconds. That is actually pretty high. And Java Apps, in general, even with reserved instances that we...
Professor Langdon Hammer: For Wednesday--This is my--our first Yeats lecture. We're going to have three of them. For the next class I'd like you to, well, I'd like you to do a...
What is academic torrents? Academic Torrents is an index for scientific data, a redundant and high speed network, and the future of reproducibility and open access As an index for scientific data we...