Hi, I'm Tam, and now we're going to talk about how to use the different crimps and attachments to put on the clasp and everything. So here I'm going to show you, I'm...
Hi Tom, why do you look sad? Well... you know Jane, my girlfriend, we've been dating for weeks now. I have always wanted to kiss her but am afraid that her braces might hinder this.Do you know...
Go to Beadaholique.com for all of your beading supplies needs! This is Julie for Beadaholique.com and today I want to show you how to use a crimp bead cover. And what and what a crimp bead cover looks...
in this lesson we will be learning how to make a floating necklace a floating necklace is a great style with a delicate and elegant appearance it is called a floating necklace because you use crimps...
this episode of the young turks is brought to you by audible dot com get your free audiobook at audible podcast dot com slash t y t the g_o_p_ has come out uh... with a new letter that they have sent...