我還記得學生時代 老師告訴我們 世界人口已達30億人 當時是1960年 今天我要講的是 從1960年到未來的世界人口變化 今天我不會拿前五場TED TALKS 用過的數位科技做示範 而是利用全新的類比科學 也就是從IKEA買來的箱子 一個箱子代表10億人 學校老師說在1960年 已開發國家有10億人口 開發中國家有20億人口 他們的生活品質懸殊 10億人口的已開發國家 和20億人口的開發中國家之間...



The hospitality program is very very hands on it's an apprenticeship So our students come to class one day a week with lecture and lab and the other days they're actually working at a...
The professional certifications which have been given by the AHLEI is a benchmark for hospitality for excellence. It's a benchmark for excellence in the hospitality industry. So I'm...
[ Background chatter ] [ Running water ] [ Music ] [ Background Music ] >> The project is fundamentally associated with developing awareness of water as a resource, and in fact water as...
[Sound of stamp] >>Next on Made at Sac State, the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies. SSIS includes the department of Government, Psychology, Anthropology, Public...



[music] KEN: Well if you don't know already we have an awful lot of fun here at the Urban Ecology Center and just for fun, we thought we would share our Annual Report in a video version....

