Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[]
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[]
Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then... how about a random page?[]
Remember all the wild parties? Remember drinking till you passed out? Remember rolling all those houses? Remember you were always last out? Remember all the makeshift punk shows? Remember breaking all...
(( تَائــِــه و مُـــــشَـــــوّش )) ترجمة T R O J A N ® زياد إبراهيم (تعديل التوقيت) | ahmtie | آخر يوم مدرسي الثامن والعشرون من مايو 1976 الساعة : الواحدة وخمس دقائق مساءًا ـ سأذهب في هذا الاتجاه ـ...