Middlesex, Virginia 1988. Donnie Darko fu ucciso quando il reattore di un aereo cadde dal cielo e lo schiaccio' mentre stava dormendo. Il governo non ha mai localizzato l'aereo dal quale il reattore...
Ahoj! Zdravím vás z tohohle krásnýho místa ve Westernovým městečku v Boskovicích. Právě nám dohrála kapela Donnie Darko a já tady sedím s Filipem a s Marťasem, čau kluci. Čau. Čau. Jak se máte?...
Hi guys it's Debbie. This is my first video on youtube so as you can probably imagine I am pretty excited about this. My channel will mainly be movie-related so I'll be speaking about...
I'm voting for Dukakis. Well... Maybe when you have children of your own who need braces and you can't afford them because half of your husband's paycheck goes to the Federal Government, you'll regret...
I like 'Donnie Darko;' it's a cool take on dreams and sleep.
Daveigh Chase: Where Is the Actress Today? | Heavy.com We all remember her for her frightening portrayal of Samara Morgan in the 2002 horror film The Ring, and for playing Samantha Darko in the famous...
Hello, I'm Detective Finn. Dewey Finn! I'm here on a call we're looking for this guy. Hm... He looks familiar. I might know him for a good pretty penny.. Where do you know him?...

