Estoy rodeado por un viendo alegre miro hacia abajo y comienzo a agitar mis manos mi respiracion... esta un poco mas rapido tu pequeña risa... se esta deslizando La ventana se abrira un poco mas y tu...



NIGEL: Hello and welcome to a new Dota 2 Report. I'm on my way to the top lane. to deliver Bristleback's items. Hopefully he's doing okay up here. BRISTLEBACK: Nothing crazy......
Hi, and welcome to the ValveTime news. Each week, we'll bring you the biggest talking points regarding Valve Software and the community. Now, the news: While we've recently heard a lot...
RUBICK: Everyone! Invoker is dead and Pudge is unaccounted for. Keep your eyes peeled! Make sure to check your minimap frequently. ENIGMA: Oh. Well, that's convenient. NIGEL: Here's...