Salvador Allende, En 73 est assassiné Par Augusto Pinochet, Général en chef des armées Il organise la répression, Anéantit l'opposition, Impose à la terre des Andes, La dictature, les réprimandes Le...



Chile is a seismic country ... Every 20 years we experience an earthquake... and we have learned to live with it. But nothing had prepared us for what we experienced in the early morning of Saturday...



Hello Chile, How are you? We are Versailles Hi everyone in Chile. I'm Versailles' vocalist, Kamijo Hi! I'm guitarrist Hizaki Hello! I'm guitarrist Teru Hello, nice to...



(Applause) Hello, how are you? Good afternoon. It is a huge pleasure to be here. Yesterday talking with Estani, I was having trouble finding a title for this talk. I had some horrible titles and just...
Thinking... What's the most important thing you can do in the next 10 days to improve your speaking? and for this Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book 3 years ago: "Outliers"...
A historic surge heads to Chile, Peru, and Mexico …in a matter of one week. I was in Europe participating in some tournaments, but the swell had such magnitude that it caught the attention of all big...