Carmen dell orefice

My dream was to become a ballet dancer, but after a year in bed with rheumatic fever at 13, I had grown too tall, and had no muscle tone left. I tried a ballet class and couldn't even do a plie...
Fashion is more about taste than money - you have to understand your body and tailor clothes to your needs; it's all about the fit. I do the alterations myself - I'm quite a seamstress - it's the...
You know, Italian-Hungarian - no matter how linear and cool I look on the outside, I have all that energy trying to find its way through life.
I was the one who kept telling my second husband he should become a cinematographer. I paid for him to get his director's card, and he went on to make 'Godspell.'
I think America may be growing up and accepting the fact that the bulk of life exists beyond 50. Because demographically... the vast population is over 50.
A lot of people around me were really staggeringly rich, which I never have been. I walked in between the raindrops of real money, but I've stayed happy.
When you understand how to do that dance, when the photographer says, 'Hold it, do it,' and you know you're getting it right, oh, the fun. It is fun.
My mother was harsh and constantly told me I had jug ears and heaven knows what else. But she was devoted and a hard worker.
I'm loath to do interviews. What comes out is generally not what I meant or thought I was saying or thought they were asking.
We were so poor that my mother would often leave me in a foster home until she could raise enough money to rent rooms for us.