Carmen dell orefice

The money I've earned has enabled me to keep my life in my own hands. I had a terrific body, and I got paid for using it.
People shouldn't look at me and think life is one big piece of glamour. That's the marketing, the spin. Life is challenging. But I have courage, strength, and enough good health to see the positive.
We are oceans apart. My mother had a very difficult life.
My life has been amazing. How many other ladies of 76 can say that the snapshot on their senior citizen's card was taken by Norman Parkinson?
There's always a boyfriend. Whatever else I have to give up on, I won't give up on love.
Even with a computer, I can't get rid of all the papers in my life.
I was the Kate Moss of my day, atypical of what the public wanted, which was Brigitte Bardot. I was always tall, skinny and angular. But now, society has bought 55 years of my marketing 'Carmen,' and...
If your ceiling is falling down, don't you call someone in? I apply the same principle to myself.