Baleal 1 by TravelPod member fwice Baleal 2 by TravelPod member fwice Big Sess in Lagide 1 by TravelPod member fwice Big Sess in Lagide 3 by TravelPod member fwice Big Sess in Lagide 4 by TravelPod...
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Solo expedition to Skarvereiret Suddenly, out of nowhere fog appears. Okey. Here is a status rapport from the tent. Yesteday i laid wheater bound maybe two kilometers from Prestestølen. A sudden...



What's up guys? This is Shane from NativeEnglishTeacher.NET with our second Movember "Mo" Idiom Like I said yesterday, Movember is a charity that raises money for...
Casa de Ribeira by TravelPod member croxandlilt Lunch and tasting at Casa de Ribeira by TravelPod member croxandlilt Casa de Ribeira vinyards by TravelPod member croxandlilt View of golf course from...



Today we're gonna talk about one of the most common mistakes in English - even for advanced students. But before we do, remember: LIKE us on Facebook & Subscribe on YouTube For a new...
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What is the story of the film "City of Pirates"? The origin and the making of the film? I must say that the beginning was very surprising. I was preparing... ... a movie based on a...
We've been here for about a year now people always ask me why we came from Hawaii To live and surf in Portugal and I have to laugh because there's so many reasons just to be able to...
Whether stalking Antelope on the African plains, foxes in the fields of Southern England or this feral pigeons in a farmers barn in Staffordshire. You have to approach your quarry carefully and with...