Audrey hepburn perfect love

There was a musical here called 'High Button Shoes' and the program is a fascinating one to see because at the back where it used to list all the singers - it's got a list of...
St. Louis, tulsa, oklahoma city, denison, dallas. Come on, lula mae. That's us. Doc, I'm not coming with you. Come on. Let's walk quietly. I'll try and help you...
A sterling silver telephone dialer. Yes, sir. That's 6.75, including federal tax. Well, the price is right, But I must say, I'd rather hoped for something Slightly more-- how shall I...
Robert: On all the runways, you saw everywhere this season Audrey Hepburn lined eyes and I'm going to show you a modern take on that. It's a little more dramatic a little more fresh...
Fred : Hello, and good evening. Today we are welcoming a personality of whom we can simply say and without annoying her, as an established fact, that she is one of this second half century's...