will book of mormon sanctions police exclusively that was full of people electorate who is she who was great among the nations differences among the provinces has become a sling three weeks bitterly...
What's your cow? This is the story of a spiritual teacher who traveled with his disciple and took every opportunity to teach him about life. On one occasion, he saw a very humble hut and told...
No, no me gusta más que a ti, hombre..." Mira a tus jóvenes hombres pelear Mira a tus mujeres llorar Mira a tus jóvenes hombres morir De la forma que siempre lo hicieron antes. Mira el odio...
Dulce amor, dulce amor Estoy atrapada en tu amor Empecé a sentirlo, sin saber si puedo confiar en él Mi corazón y yo estuvimos enterrados bajo el polvo Libérame, libéranos Eres todo lo que necesito...
<i>De la película "Space Battleship Yamato"</i> Te miré y me miraste Lo supe desde entonces pero tú no pudiste verlo Y ahora has cambiado de opinión Yo...
I love being in your room, where your wings embrace me and keep my heart. I love the way your holiness lives within me, purifying my mind and filling me with you. I love being guided by your voice,...



Oh how you captivated my heart Never apart your loving gaze towards me Your eyes have defeated me, Seal me in your heart Because this love is stonger than death itself, Jesús I lift the sweetest of...
Father Father Father Father Father Your Voice is my aliment Your Words are what I need Your Voice is my aliment Your Words are what I need Your Voice, Your Words and Your Love are just what I need...