yesterday I told you the story out of Florida were Florida police were luring cocaine buyers from all over the country in South America and Canada paying informants millions of dollars cumulatively...
speaking a russia a Russian lawmaker has now said that a russia will arrest gay athletes and tourists at the Olympic Games of 2014 the Winter Olympics in 2014 will be held in Russia and I...
mike tyson has been arrested fight for civil rights to analytics their taxable solidity well you know it's coming just from the scene on the quick for people without informing jeans womens...
we yes the i_a_e_a_ uh... on tuesday announced the arrest of sixteen people cross country in connection with strikes carried out by a lucy could federation of hackers gold anonymous fourteen people...
rival in florida twelve year old student got arrested for passing gas in-class that come on that story trip he was doing it is true i have documents to prove it arrived using it on purpose to disrupt...
jose crews from west virginia who was driving drunk he got pulled over an arrest okay he goes to police station aware that seemed to take a breathalyzer test he refuses to do so and instead he fights...
i'm convinced of the guardian is the best publication in the world but anyway i recently they talked about the school to prison pipeline which is something that we've discussed before...