Something about you really puts me down, You're the life of the party you're the toast of the town, Something about you really picks me up, Like a hot cup of coffee in a hot coffee cup. Feels like a...
Stars come to mind Petal skin and violet eyes Diamonds Sapphires There's night sky all around me Big, blue oceans inside of me Swimming inside of me Alice, hold my face Sing me again-Edelweiss Lying...
Moi, le chantre un peu lisse Au langage désuet J'ai rencontré Alice Qui m'a dit: J' t'aime bien mais Faut que tu t'enhardisses Faisons de grands projets Le temps que je rougisse Nous n'avions plus d'...
Alice, ton pays aux merveilles n'existe plus Alice, quand tu sors du sommeil tu n'y crois plus Ce pays que j'ai cherché sans toi M'obsédait des jours entiers Et je voulais vivre dans cet endroit Afin...
(* ''Limehouse Blues'' by Jackie Gleason) - (man) Hey. Where are you now? - Nowhere. It's Iate. I have to go. Oh, oh, oh. - John and Susan confirmed for dinner. - Yes. Don't sit her by Ray PooIe's...
Stesa al sole Alice aspetta Che il coniglio in tutta fretta Passi di lì saltando fuori Da un disegno ad acquarello, Forse un desiderio spento Che la porti lontano da qui Sono lei Nella testa Dentro...



All right, all right, hold on. lf you were married in 2304, and your daughter was conceived during your 1 1th Pon farr, that would make you lncorrect. Come on, Tom. The man's not a day over 140. We...
I set my stardust and go out to meet you For this war of yours, I’ll be your last opponent Even if it’s true, saying something like how You’d like to “test the results of your training” would just be...
de todas ellas a quien eres mas unida? Alice... sin duda Alice, ademas es a la que conozco de mas tiempo como la conociste? le lave el cabello... solia trabajar en este salon conocido como Jhon James...