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hey guys welcome to Vibetality
I want to give you a little run down of what we have available inside the studio.
As the worlds only human optimization studio, we are thrilled to offer
Chandler's only isolation tank.
That is a sensory deprivation tank
that is incredible for optimizing your brain. We also offer full body massage
and inside the studio here,we offer traditional yoga taught by some of Phoenix's premier yoga instructors.
We also offer whole body vibration classes. Whole body vibration training takes place on these WBV plates.
Exercises are performed on these plates as they vibrate at 30 times a second
and at .3 G's adding .3 g-force to everything you do on the vibration plate.
And these whole body vibration plates are designed to stimulate your
hormonal, cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous systems at the same time.
That turns out to be tremendous benefit on your body.
You actually get about 1 1/2 hours worth of traditional training done in 15 minutes on the Vibetality whole body vibration plates.
This happens because you stimulate up to 95% of your total muscle fibers,
while training on these vibrational plates.
One of the leading experts on WBV training Dr. C. Bosco
has actually found that 6 weeks of whole body vibration training has more benefit that 6 weeks of traditional training.
He has also shown that
your actual human capacity
your capacity for strength is actually increased, with whole body vibration training.
So you actually go beyond the ability of a normal human.
Incredible human optimization.
As far as weight loss goes on these plates, whole body vibration training is absolutely incredible.
Studies performed by the European Journal Of Obesity have shown
users have lost of to 11% of their total body weight,
and we have actually had Vibetality students lose up to 19 inches in 30 days.
One of the ways whole body vibration
training works is, it stimulates the good hormones and decreases the bad hormones.
so you will actually get about 430-460% increase in growth hormone release inside your body
growth hormone is the main
hormone that stimulates all of your other good hormones
in your body. You also actually get a decrease in your cortisol levels,
cortisol is the main stress hormone
that puts weight around your belly.
We all have way too much stress, and you actually get about a 27% decrease in your cortisol levels when doing a whole body vibration training.
now that is completely opposite of traditional training,
in traditional training about 20 hours after your training you see a huge spike in cortisol levels.
a huge spike in cortisol levels.
So whole body vibration training
is absolutely incredible for getting you calmed down, losing weight, and feeling great!
I can't wait to see you in Vibetality Studio soon!