Discover What You Have To Prove - It's Not What You Think ****** ****** In this video, Damon Cart explains why you have something to prove. It's not about proving yourself or proving worthiness or deservingness. It's about becoming a scientist of your life and studying, hypothesizing, experimenting, theorizing, and testing your theories about what's possible. In this video Damon distinguishes the differences and fallacies of trying to prove yourself and of trying to o prove worthiness. Damon explains why effective strategies are not enough to make you happy and fulfilled. Remember to subscribe to this channel on Youtube for more important updates and videos on life empowering NLP techniques and processes! If you know a friend who would benefit from this video, pass it on! Enjoy! ====================================================== Make sure to not miss a single video from Damon! CLICK here to Subscribe: ****** ====================================================== Damon Cart Coach and Trainer Santa Cruz, CA Follow On Facebook: ****** ====================================================== Discover What You Have To Prove - It's Not What You Think ******