"Top of Mind" with Thom Ruhe, Episode 26, 7/1/2013 >>> What do you get when you put a bunch of inventors, makers and entrepreneurs together? You get one heck of...
What we've learned; what I've learned in 30 years or more in business has been pretty much wiped out. What's relevant is a lot of what we've learned in the last two or...
The President: If you're only talking to people who you agree with, then politics is always going to disappoint you. Politics will always disappoint you. You know, you think about some of the...
I was born and raised in Mali, West Africa from a low class family. i was born in Chittagong, Bangladesh which is the commercial capital but my father was from a very very poor village and a very poor...
>> [ANCHOR]: Students in the Young Entrepreneurs Academy are making their final sales pitch to business leaders right now. One local RIT student has been there, done that, in fact he won...
America is still a great place to live America still has the potential to grow the economy create the jobs are necessary for future generations we've got to get ourselves back on a road of...
Our Daughters Summer and Skye took part in Mark Hoverson's program for budding young entrepreneurs called "The Great Lemonade Crusade" teaching kids how to run their own 5...
(Music plays) Aasiya Hussain, Ecohesian Inc. We do consulting and a design of ethical products, as well as helping our clients try to operationalize and meet their sustainability goals. I decided to...
Hi I'm Hector Barreto, the chairman of the Latino Coalition and the former administrator of the US Small Business Administration. Hector, how does the Latino partnership with Biz2credit helped...



We are all given some form of talent and there's a way to make money using your talent. So Summer Company allowed me to put all my ideas together put into a business plan and get started. I...