Hi everyone, I'm Melissa and welcome back to CloudMom.com. From what the experts are telling us, reading to your young baby from day one is crucial, because it will stimulate your...
LeapFrog presents Learn to Read Collection Mysteries! An ultra ebook! Help detectives Leap and Tad crack the case of the sleeping pony, and the case of the talking mansion. Each story is written at 3...
Learn to Read Volume 4, Leap Hops, Pops & Mops builds confidence with the fundamentals of reading! Use your finger to turn the pages, and read along on the hi-res touch screen. "Leap...
Welcome to the Elite Speed Reading membership program. If you want to increase your reading speed, improve your comprehension, and develop your memory, then you’re in the right place. This is a...
guy: hello , could you help me to gain a better understanding of the true Nature of reality? girl: ok , it's like this , 'A Particle' is spread out everywhere until it is...
Role of Parents in the Language Development of Their Children A study published online in 2008, by the Washington University School of Medicine: "The Importance of Parental Involvement in...



Hello again! It should come as no surprise that I like words. But probably not as much as Ammon Shea who wrote “Reading the OED: One Man, One Year, 21,730 pages.” (link below) For those of you who...
Arabic...is it that hard? REALLY? By the end of this video you will understand how Arabic works and actually read a couple of words let's jump straight in most of the twenty eight letters in...
Over the next few sections, we're going to be talking about the building block of learning which is letter sounds. Two different types of letter sounds, there are consonants which are most of...
Hello, my name is Sandy Springer. I've been a teacher since nineteen-ninety-three. I have a bachelor's degree in elementary education, but my master's degree is in English as a...

