Sometimes if you're writing with Co:Writer, the word you want might not appear right away. For example, if I write "The", and I want "potato", and I spell...
Now we're going to teach how to sound out. This is the most basic skill, this will come back over and over and over for the next 2 or 3 years maybe. So make sure you go slowly and clearly and...
At this time we can start having your child work on their handwriting. Handwriting is very, very important. As you know most adults as they get older or most children, their handwriting starts to...
Three things that you have to remember if you're going to homeschool or tutor your child is that it's not hard but you do have to be serious about it. And three of the most serious...
C. C-A-T Kids learn to read and write best, when they learn to read and write together. That's why LeapFrog created LeapReader the hands-on interactive system that brings learning to read and...
Some more words that are great to put on flash cards include groups, especially groups that include a lot of words that have non-phonetic parts to them. The ones that I think are most important in...
All kids must learn the correspondence between individual letters and sounds. But the next step is critical: understanding that certain groups of letters are pronounced alike in families of words....
Hi, my name is Laura. I'm from and I'm going to talk about how to learn to spell. Learning to spell is very interesting, as the English language can be pretty...
There are a lot of ways this marvelous language of ours, English, doesn't make sense. For example, most of the time when we talk about more than one of something, we put an S on the end. One...
Hi, I'm Ann Kennedy on behalf of Expert Village and we'll be looking at correcting common problems in children. Summary; we've learned a great deal through these sessions and I...