I have three of the most fantastic children. Truly blessed with three fantastic girls. Between them, they've given me two grandchildren, and two boys that I never had, and they're...
Tyrese Gibson The DialogueI'm here with upgrade my coaching actually in this video I'm because I want it is sheer really awesome experience I had like two days ago Tyrese Gibson...
If I could choose a moment to revive it forever I'm sure it would be now. Truthfully, I... I can't take it anymore. Actually, I... I don't want to lose you, but I love you. I...
larry in lancaster california is a real what's on your my face was a serious celery uh... book underwent a shelter talk while march commercially had out and commercial said or sixty percent of...
I created this image of the South African Kingfisher with paint on a canvas. It is a beautiful South African bird but that is not a real Kingfisher, that is an image of the Kingfisher which I...
Keegan Deane, Gloria? GLORIA: It was just a kiss. I'm deeply concerned about you. Maybe you need a fresh start somewhere else. I'm thinking about running for DA. Are you kidding? Just...
This video features a great Call Of Duty player tsunami33. You will see gameplay with the following weapons, PP90M1, ACR 6.8, UMP45, G36C, RPG, SCAR-L, Grenade, SMAW, Striker, MP7 & MP5. The...
What does the late Religious Authority say to those who disagree with him? I say to all those who disagree with me that ideological differences should not make us lose love towards whom we disagree...