If you're asking me who is filing bankruptcy today it really runs the gamut. Demographically, everybody from a single mother, to the head of a large family. Professionally, it's CEOs...
In bankruptcy we often deal with the situation where cars have more equity then is the exemption available to apply to the car. So I want to talk for a minute about ways that we can deal with that...
I'm Eric Lanigan with Lanigan and Lanigan I want to go over how a recent case that I had brought home to me how much the rules of evidence play in a foreclosure case. We were waiting out in...
I'm going to talk about garnishment now in the difficult situations. Where you have a single debtor, unmarried, no children who has a judgment against them. Or you have the married couple but...
i want to talk for a minute about the dynamics of my any lender seeks relief from st in bankruptcy to continue a foreclosure action so let me first of all over the pas that basic seven arnet ecstatic...
I'm Eric Lanigan an attorney with Lanigan and Lanigan in Winter Park which is in the greater Orlando area. I want to talk for a minute about something I've recently found which i think...
I'm Eric Lanigan I'm an attorney in Winter Park. I want to speak to you for a couple a minutes about our experience in working with The Marketing Square and our experience with working...
I want to take a few minutes and talk about how money is handled in bankruptcy. Because in bankruptcy I often say that a person has two kinds of money; there is the exact money that is money that you...
I'm Eric Lanigan with Lanigan and Lanigan in Winter Park and I'd like to talk for a moment about an episode that recently happened in a bankruptcy that involves the tenancy by the...
I'm going to talk for a minute about the exemptions that are available in bankruptcy, and by exemptions we mean property that's off the table that the trustee the creditors cannot...