This vase by René Lalique is one of my favourite things in Brighton Museum. It was made in the 1930's, but I think the thing that I like about it is that it actually looks really...
bjbj Flower in Vase My flower in vase has broken the wind please come to me before I cry. I don t smell fragrances of Night flower any more, who has picked night flower from the branch. The dark...
My Flip-Flops Today My shoes seem to wear out quickly The reason is prickly I walked in circles around this earth constantly examining my worth was it a momentous birth? or a census birth... just...
Hi, I'm Jessica Smith, and I work for Bland's Nursery in West Jordan, Utah, and today, we're talking all about planting bulbs. Right now, we're going to discuss how to...
Hi, I'm Jessica Smith and I work for Blands Nursery in West Jordan, UT. And todays series we're talking all about bulbs. Right now we're going to discuss how to force...
Hi this is Susan Paxton for Expert Village. Today we are talking about decorating with flowers. We have talked about some of the different arrangements that you can do, we have talked about silks and...
Now, I'm going to show you how to construct your artificial flower arrangement. The trick is to start with the largest flowers first. So, we're going to get these peonies, and as you...
There are a lot of antique vases out there and you're not quite sure the value of them? I'm Blake Kennedy and I'm at Patty and Friends Antique Mall in St. Petersburg, Florida....
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Hello everyone, I'm Ashley. And I'm Taylor. And today we're presenting to you the wedding sand unity set; which is a great alternative to the traditional wedding candle unity...