voice-over: 9292 your travel partner Welcome to 9292.nl The beginning of every journey by public transport. In this video we will tell you more about the renewed website. The journey planner is very...



Sustainable, innovative and functional that is the success factor of the QuickFlame We will put it away and show you how it works We fil the jar with a liquid called bio-ethanol A biological liquid...



Good day, this OliNo the newable energy website I am standing near a gentleman with a very nice electric bike Can you introduce yourself and give some explanation I will first introduce myself: I am...
Hi! I’m Mark Westling with All Brands Laser Printers, Copiers and Fax and I’m here today on behalf of expertvillage.com to show you how to send a fax message to another user. The first thing you have...
00:00:01,30 --> 00:00:07,40 Tot enkele eeuwen geleden, dachten wetenschapperschappers dat vulkanen brandende vuurbergen waren. 00:00:08,30 --> 00:00:14,20 Tegenwoordig weten we dat...
Sounds are collected by the outer ear, which consists of the auricle and external auditory canal. The sound is guided through the ear canal to the middle ear. The sound arrives at the ear drum, a...
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[ Music ] >> Above ground, the new Joe and Rika Mansueto Library at the University of Chicago is a sunlit dome of glass and steel, but the library's key innovation is its...
And the last part here before we jump into these drugs is the structure and function of this GABA Chloride Ion Channel that we can see right here. So just taking a first look at it right, this is a...