Hi, I'm Robert Achtemichuk. I'm going to show you how to print a watercolour woodblock. print, using the materials on this table. So it being a woodblock we have woodblocks that have...
Hello to all PinturaFacilís friends! today I want to paint with you this beautiful pigeon with watercolor and I hope you stay with me to do it to paint this little card youíll need watercolor...
One of the ways to fix errors that I like to do, too is again, and I've talked about this a number of times, is you want to use a real heavy duty paper. Because when you do start correcting...
We're going to try playing around with ink a little bit, if you have some around the house. Inks do come in colors, by the way. I mostly do my demonstrating with black ink, they do come in...
Ok this is just a brief introduction to the differences between the types of paint that you might run into at the store. We've been dealing with acrylic which and the base for acrylic is an...
We have had floods over the last couple of days so the weather isn't good enough for outdoor painting but we can paint from a sketch indoors. This is a pencil sketch of Holywood, near to my...
Hi! and welcome to all our friends... today I want to thank very much all the questions and comments you’re sending us every day We are trying to answer all of them and just today we want to answer...
Hello to all PinturaFacil's friends! Today we going to paint a nice cards using watercolor and an special technique with white stripes that you can see right now You can use it as a greeting...