OK, this might seem pretty obvious, but one of the ways that you can keep your colors clean is to keep your water clean. So one of the easiest ways to do that is, have a big water container because it...
We're going to make up a green here and now for certain other areas. So, we're going to add blue to this yellow. And, we're going to paint the door. Which, the door is green....



On behalf of Expert Village my name is Libby Caldwell and I m here to tell you about watercolor journaling. Right, now I m going to put the first wash on the area of the red rock. So that s the piece...
Ok, we're going to put a little bit of gray down here, just for interest sake. Ok, we're going to go back to this area, golden field. As the grass approaches us, there's more...
Hi everyone. Welcome back to my channel , I know it's not summer anymore, at least not here where I live, but it doesn't mean we can not play with water. And in this video I have a new...
Automatically translated by machine. Violet- Hi everyone! Hope you guys are having a good night. we're doing something a little bit different tonight. I started this last year where...



Now what we want to do is get some black on the detail brush and paint in the eye. You need to be precise when you're painting in the eye, it needs to be round of course and it needs to only...



Salt Water Color Texture Effects Salt has the Hydrogen bonds, which it pulls out the liquid and also the pigments of the watercolor. So if you add salt on the water color it's going to absorb...