Sign-up for our email newsletter and you will be automatically entered to win a Hollywood Makeover with the Core Beauty Workshop team! I'm Holly Fulger. I'm an actress and I'm...
The front of one of Gaudi's pieces, Casa Battlo by TravelPod member emilystrickland The port area by TravelPod member emilystrickland The square where our hotel was by TravelPod member...
In this series, we'll be talking about adding some voice leading into your walking bass lines. By now, this video is assuming that you have all the fundamentals down with your roots, thirds,...



For the final video of this series, I'll be demonstrating these melodic sequences in combinations on the song So What. And the chords just go sixteen bars of D-minor, eight bars of E-flat...
A good way to start learning transcriptions if you're a beginner and you can't quite here what's going on, is to get a transcription book. This book I'll be reading out...
This is voice leading arpeggios example one. For this example we're going to be using a four bar progression, it will be a D minor, G 7, C major 7, and A 7. So with the voice leading, what...
Now we're going to do a little combination of the previous techniques. So I highly recommend isolating each technique chorus by chorus, before you combine them. For now, let's start...

