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Hi, this is Andy on behalf of Expert Village, Seventh South Clothing and Ramp Riders Skate Park. In this clip we're going to talk about the landing and spotting your landing again. Like I said...
Just like the disaster, now that I'm up here, I want to look out and see what's in between me and the quarter pipe. As you can see, I've got a wedge to roll in on and that nice...
This is Sean from Expert Village. Another good way to practice is just on a flat ground if you have a good open area, like a parking lot or driveway whatever you can find that is smooth and flat, just...
Today we're here to show you some BMX tricks. This one is the funny but important one hander. Boy is that one going to come back to haunt me. That's the one handed jump. Now, the...
There wasn't many years ago that 180 millimeter crank on was considered the standard for BMX riding regardless of height or size. That seems to be changing in later years as now a lot of...
Alright, so one of the most important things about gloves or mittens is to avoid iceburn. What happens is, if you put your hands in that snow, snow is very, very cold. It's going to leave a...
My name is Aaron Spohn. I'm the president and founder of Spohn Ranch. We're and action sports development company. We design, build, operate skate parks, BMX parks, motocross. We do...
Hey, Bart Miller here with Cycling Strong 2013 Interbike we are having the time of our lives we have got some I mean awesome interviews hope you guys watch small you haven't please go through...