Okay, I’m here to discuss the top two diabetes this is a group session prepared by Michael Dobie, the consultant dietician. My name is Vanessa Wells I’m also a dietician Okay, benefits of healthy...
Well, welcome to the presentation. I guess I’ll start with the basics. The first and most important point is that people with type 2 diabetes, physical activity is a necessity. Not that it’s...
Diabetes symptoms you have to, you really, really must catch them quickly. And the reason I say that is because some think that you can reverse diabetes. I am not a doctor or play one on TV or...
This is Lisa, she’s an awesome combination of corporate warrior, home creator, and the best supporter to her partner, who was diagnosed with Diabetes. There is not much that Lisa couldn’t find from...
Mr. Skoulikaris is a father of one daughter. 12 years (1995) ago he found out he was diabetic. He speaks to us regarding his diabetes and how the disease affected, his everyday life and work. He also...
Have you ever wondered if there's a cure for your type 1 diabetes? You know I have family members and a good friend of mine that have type 1 diabetes. And you know I understand the factors and...
OK, so here's the situation—these two pump users have been arguing about whose pump has the faster, and simpler, insulin reservoir setup. So they want to do a head-to-head battle. On the one...
apparently also better for ratings than talking about the success stories under Obamacare is talking about the few people that statistically few people who will pay higher premiums under Obamacare...
My name is Simon Carter, and I'm the CEO of ManageBGL. ManageBGL is a virtual insulin pump for diabetics. It gives diabetics the gold-class treatment of an insulin pump, but without the...