ROMAN NURIK: Hello, and welcome once again to "Android Design in Action." I'm your host Roman Nurik. NICK BUTCHER: And hi, my name is Nick Butcher. ROMAN NURIK: And today...
ROMAN NURIK: Hello, and welcome once again to Android Design & Action. I'm your host, Roman Nurik. ADAM KOCH: Hey, guys. My name's Adam Koch. And today, we have a special guest...
When I think about designing a menu -how it looks on the page, what the colors are, the size, the paper, the information - I think I need to go hire a designer. Because I know what I like when I look...
Hi everyone, and welcome back to the Web Design with WordPress 101 Course. Today I�ll show you how to embed a video on your WordPress site. An embedded video is a video that is displayed on your...
We have been talking about the three different types of Programmable Logic Devices, prom programmable ready only memory where you generate all the min terms and combine them in or gates to get the...
Caution: This video contains hexapods, like the dancing one shown here from the university of applied sciences in upper austria, and may lead to endless hours of staring at pretty hexapods online....
Hello this is John Locke for Lockedown Design. Today, I want to talk to you about how to design a website from start to finish, and cover all the steps that are included. Let's say...
The Look and Feel section allows you to modify aesthetic aspects of your survey, if ever you choose not to use the defaults that are provided. This section is divided into 4 different tabs: The first...
Single-Select With Score questions ask your respondents to select a score on a given scale based on the question being asked. For example, this question type is the one being used for the Overall...
"On Exit" skip logic lets you determine the next question that the respondent will see based on an answer that they just provided. To program this type of skip logic to a question,...